Laika Evelyn
July 20, 2017
Courtney Taylor
July 20, 2017

This singular blend has fixed more issues for more people than I can count. The FB posts about this blend from people are just incredible! If you have a health or body/mind issue, then it’s very likely that this blend will drastically improve it. If you’re unsure, then send a message and ask! They’re very responsive and take customer service seriously.
This is the highest quality most comprehensive herbal blend on the planet (except for Seven Sages which is still in beta). If you try just one blend this is the one to start with!
No matter how bad a bad day is, it turns into a good day with Trinity. Just 1/8 to 1/4 tsp a day is plenty for most. Helps me to feel calm, clear, buoyant, naturally joyful and light, helps remove those feelings of depression, doom and gloom, where the world is caving in on you.
Tired of life? Every day pretty much sucks? Can’t think, can’t focus, tired all the time, can’t do family time at home or perform on the job anymore? Just wanna get away from everybody and be alone so you can sulk and eat ice cream and watch movies? Then get Trinity and feel joyful and young again! I take Trinity with Thermogenesis everyday, and add Pine Pollen with Supernova or the Original Blend on those days when I really need to rock and roll. Face wrinkles and skin issues are lessening. I look younger and have that inner glow again. No more sallow, tired, wrinkled, energyless, lifeless, deadbeat zombie face anymore. How many people out there look like zombies to you? Like they would rather curl up and die than live? Half if not most? Are you one of them? Tired of it? Then invest in yourself and buy these blends and get the show on the road! These herbal blends combined with 22/2 or 21/3 intermittent fasting are the most valuable life and health improvement tools I’ve ever come across. I’ve been taking these blends for over a year and doing intermittent fasting for a month and it’s the best health change I’ve ever made. It’s anti-cancer too! So stop dilly dallying and just do it! (I’m not a salesmen and have never made a dime from these blends, and don’t want to!)