K Fontenot
July 20, 2017
July 20, 2017

With Instersteller herbal blends, I consider these times very exciting to be alive. Every individual just has to try for themselves as I cannot fully articulate what it feels like to be on these, but I’ll try. I got my first blends (Ultimate combo) sometime towards the end of last year and have been fine tuning the dosages and combinations to find what best suites me and it wasn’t until a month or two ago when I upped my dose to ½ tsp once a day with coffee that I finally effortlessly hit the G-spot of my existence
Am like a kid in a candy store and cannot quiet choose one of these blends over the other but if I could only afford one, that would be Trinity.
I get transformed into a super Woman 30mins after taking these each morning and the feeling stays with me all day till about 4 or 5pm when I DECIDE to break and eat my first and last meal of the day. I could go on fasting if I wanted to cos I feel calm, no hunger, and just sweet within. No anxiety, no desire. That I can now effectively and effortlessly go into an 18 to 22 hours fast daily without even a thought, is simply f..cking amazing and the singular most important health enhancing achievement in my entire life. Am now not only saving money by how little I eat but am even more deliberate in the quality of what I choose to eat. Geez!!! Could life be any f…cking better than this??? . I had my 80yr old mum try out my blends and by the end of the day she was speaking in tongues hahaha  this is how incredible this stuff. I just ordered my Intersteller Saven Sages and can’t wait to see what new miracles await me. Life just keeps getting better. In addition to finally getting my mind in a good place, my skin now practically glows all over and my hair seems to be sprouting off my scalp. What more can I ask for?? Thank you Gavin, you are the best. Keep doing you!